AN-2 Academy
General information
The An-2 Academy is our newest project – it gives you the opportunity to become the world’s largest biplane commander.
To become a student of the An-2 Academy, a PPL(A) license with a minimum command flight time of 30 hours is enough.
After full training, we offer the opportunity to train for the parachute-dropping flight licence.
AN-2 Academy Theory
Theory classes take place before the start of practical training. You’ll meet with the instructors and mechanics who will deliver all the secrets about this magnificent aircraft.
AN-2 Academy Practice
Of course, the practical training takes place on the An-2 plane – the largest biplane in the world, the MTOW of which is approaching 5700 kg.
The practical part is flights in the zone, emergency procedures, and above all, a large number of take-offs and landings.
We will also teach you to taxi this plane and belive us – it will not be easy at first!
AN-2 Academy Requirements
PPL(A) license
Aero-medical certificate:
class 2
Flight time PIC min 30h