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SPL – Sailplane Pilot Licence (Gliders)

  • Location:

    OSL AZL Aviation Training Centre

  • Date:

    Whole year



SPL - Sailplane Pilot Licence (Gliders)

General information

Training for a private glider (sailplane) license is the best way to start your adventure with aviation. Flying on gliders is an amazing experience and perfect way to understand the rule of the air space. Many pilots  flying jet planes today, including the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the F-16 have actually passed through the glider section of our flying club!

The glider pilot course along with the PPL(A) license course is one of the most popular courses in OSL AZL Aviation Training Center.

SPL Theory

We use our e-learning platform, additionally, we meet during lectures and consultations with our instructors.

After the theoretical training, you will have a state exam at the Aviation Examination Board. And do not worry – we will certainly prepare you perfectly for this.

SPL Practice

We conduct course for becoming a glider pilot on the best Polish training gliders: 2x SZD-50-3 Puchacz and 1x KR-03 Puchatek gliders

The training covers approximately 50 flights with an instructor and 10 independent flights. The practical part includes take-off and landing lessons, circling flight with an instructor, emergency procedures and solo flights (after an internal test). You should reserve 14 days (continuous) for this training.

The training ends with a state examination conducted by the Examiner of the Aviation Examination Board

SPL Requirements


– on the day of joining the training at least 14 years of age and when applying for a license you must be at least 16.

Aero-medical tests in accordance with Annex IV Part-MED to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, at least 2nd class (the tests should preferably be performed before the start of practical training)