We are happy to provide our keeping about flight operation procedures
and safety management in OSL AZL Aviation Training Center
Safety without compromise
We focus relentlessly on every detail when it comes to the safety of our students. We indicate full expertise regarding safety for their complete comfort during the training. Never have we ever or will look for any "shortcuts" and do always take care of every aspect of safety management with the utmost care.
Pilot as a profession?
WE'VE GOT YOU. We offer the introductory flights, we run meetings where we favor "dumb" questions that probe "the obvious"
and simultaneously challenge and direct our thinking.
Also, we are here to talk. Let's stay in touch.
The location of OSL AZL Aviation Training Center is one of our greatest assets
Our location is very unique
We conduct the flight training simultaneously in two aeras - a quiet and comfortable operating field of the Lubuskie Aero Club (AZL), which is not an communication airport therefore no regular air traffic take place in here - and at the same time at Zielona Góra Airport in Babimost which is only 10 minutes apart.
OSL AZL Aviation Training Center
What are the benefits of operating simultaneously
in two areas?
Focus on what really matters regarding to your safety and comfort
Take your time and do your research
to make the right decision
Learning facilities in a flight centre, a guarantee of safety, i.e. comprehensive service of carefully operated, reliable and always available aircraft at affordable prices and - most importantly - experienced, friendly instructors who recognize and respond to students’ individual needs.
We are proud to offer you all of the above at the highest standard.